This post is sponsored by ibi
Jenny Quicksall Photography
It’s still so surreal to me that at the end of next month we’ll go from being a family of three to a family of four. Especially with Father’s Day right around the corner, I’m feeling extra sentimental thinking back at how much our lives have changed since becoming parents to Milly. I remember a few days into being a new mama and trying to find the first photo I took of Milly in my camera roll and laughing at how many photos I had already taken of our new bundle of joy. It was practically like a flip book because I had taken almost 100 in just 3 days! Hashtag mom life, right?
ibi companion app
I used to always take a ton of photos because I love to document everything. I mean- I am a journalist after all! But when I became a mom the documenting went to a whole other level! I was taking photos of every expression, every moment, every new experience-I wanted to capture everything! A product I mentioned I loved for a Mother’s Day gift and I’m equally excited to share for Father’s Day is ibi.
We love our ibi!
It’s a smart photo manager that allows me to collect, organize, and privately share photos and videos with only the people I want. The device holds 2TB (that’s about 500,000 images) – so we can relive our favorite moments with our closest friends and family.
Even though Mr. A isn’t the biggest fan of taking photos, I swear one of his favorite things to do is look through old photos. He just loves it! And as much as we love sharing our lives online, not every moment goes up on social media. I think becoming parents has tremendously changed the way we share those moments. For us, some special moments are only meant to be shared and experienced by our inner circle of friends and family, and ibi gives you full control over who to share each memory with.
I love that ibi saves and organizes our precious memories in one place so they’re easy to find, which for me is so important, because my photos are spread across all sorts of different devices and sites.
We keep our ibi in our family room
This means that with ibi, you can sync all of your favorite photos and videos from your devices, cloud and social media accounts – and store them all in one place. This has really been a game changer! Right now ibi is having a price promotion on They’ll be offering ibi for $149.99 down from $179.99. This goes from 12:01 am on June 9 CDT to 11:50 pm CDT on June 15.
Jenny Quicksall Photography
The other day Mr. A and I were reminiscing with Milly about when she was a baby and going through all her newborn photos. It was so nice that we had ibi at our fingertips to revisit all of those great memories. With the ibi companion app you can easily organize and find what you’re looking for by searching location or using the timeline to find your photos and videos by date. I really think this has been a powerful way to prepare her for her new sibling. As we prepare for baby #2 these next few months we are just soaking up every moment together as a family and anticipating our hearts exploding all over again!